The Promise of the Virgin for the Green Scapular is that if you write down the names of your family, relatives or friends in this Scapular She promise to take care of them and that the souls of them will not perish in damnation, but they will be taken to purgatory and in a year will be taken to Heaven. (This is a must have scapular you should not miss having it for such a great promise)
This Small Green Scapular should be placed in the 4 corners of each room of the house to protect it from any evil to enter the house and also from earthquakes or any natural disasters. (they have to be blessed by a priest)
GREEN SCAPULAR SIZE 1.5” = Price $.2.00
The specific purpose of this scapular is the invitation to pray, to appeal to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with confidence and to ask, above all, for sinners. It is necessary to recite, Sister Justina told us, at least once a day the prayer of the reverse.
«Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.»
This scapular has been given by Our Lady, particularly as a Gift for the Sick. It can be put on your clothes, on your bed or in your room. If the person to whom it is applied does not say the prayer, the one who has provided the scapular, can say it for the sick person.
The prodigies that this scapular has produced bear witness to the blessing and fulfillment of the Virgin’s Promise to all who wear it and say the prayer: «It will make great conversions, particularly to reach the good death of sinners and those who have no faith»
This scapular would be a powerful instrument for the conversion of souls, particularly those who have no Faith, and through him, the Blessed Virgin would obtain for them, through her Son, the Grace of a death in the Grace of God. It was also made known to the religious, the desire of the Mother of God that the scapular was spread everywhere so that these particular Graces reach all the souls that embrace this Devotion.
The First Green Scapulars began to be manufactured and distributed by the Sisters of Charity in Paris, then throughout France and beyond. To this end, the Sisters had received the formal approval and necessary encouragement of His Holiness, Pope Pius IX, in 1870.
The Green Scapular is an approved «Sacramental» of the Catholic Church. The Specific Graces associated with them is «Spiritual Conversion» and «Physical Healing».
The inscription on the back of Mother Mary’s green scapular says: «Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.» We invite you to recite this Indulgenced prayer every day.
Jesus Christ blessed this Apostolate! Jesus asked Anna Marie to: «Bring My Mother More Souls».
When You Write A Name On A Blessed Green Scapular.
That person is instantly Consecrated to Jesus, through His Mother’s Immaculate Heart. It doesn’t matter if that person does not attend church or the sacraments, Blessed Mother will visit that person whose name you wrote on a blessed Green Scapular and let the demons attacking that person know that she is claiming him or her for Eternal live in Heaven. Usually no one knows that Mother Mary is visiting, but she does.
As any mother would do, our Heavenly Mother will then go to her Son, Jesus, and ask Him to save that soul from damnation. She takes all our prayers and uses them to bring conversion or healing to the person who you wrote the name on a Blessed Green Scapular. That is why we are a «network» of prayer AND SHOULD PRAY CONSTANTLY.
Almighty God dictated the Eternal Consecration Prayer to Anna Marie in 1997, and we ask all Apostles of the Green Scapular to recite this prayer once so that their prayers (Holy Mass, Rosaries, Chaplets) are given to Mother Mary who helps dispenses Graces to others in need.
What Happens After Death
When a person who had his or her name written on a Blessed Green Scapular dies, he or she will be sent to Purgatory. The Lord’s gift of redemption has been placed on these Blessed Green Scapulars.
On the first September 27th, the Feast Day of our Patron Saint, St. Vincent de Paul; he or she will be taken from Purgatory and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Two Angels from Heaven delivered this to Anna Marie, as a gift to Anna Marie for the work she and her prayer group had been doing, trying to save souls from hell. We invite you to recite the Novena of St. Vincent de Paul which begins every year on September 19th thru 27th. Please attend Mass and celebrate your loved one who has been received into Heaven. We now offer the Novena of St. Vincent de Paul in Espanol too.