The Purple Scapular comes with the Prayers that should be prayed everyday
«My children of the Cross, for a long time My Son and I have wished to make known this scapular of benediction. This scapular, My children, is modeled on My Heart, because My Heart is the emblem of simplicity and humility, which explains the color of violet. The nails which have pierced the feet and the hands of My Son are barely venerated and are venerable, that is why My Son, in His Divine Wisdom, has had three nails painted on the front of the scapular.
«Those three drops of blood and the chalice represent the generous hearts gathering the blood of My Divine Son. The red sponge will represent My Divine Son drinking, in a certain sense, the sins of His children, but which His adorable mouth refuses.
«I wish that the background (usually) black of the scapular should be violet, but I wish that the nails, the chalice, the sponge and the crown should be on a dark red piece of flannel.
This first appearance of this scapular will be a new protection for the times of the chastisements, the calamities and the famines. All those who will wear it will be able to go through storms, tempests and darkness, they will have light as in broad daylight. Such is the power of this unknown scapular.»
The Holy Virgin presents the scapular to Our Lord who, in His turn says: «I address you My victim and also My victims and My servant, My children of the Cross, I wish to and I come to give you an idea and a deep thought: When taking Me down from the Cross, I was given to My Mother, that descent, that thought, that devotion is little known. I wish that by the reproduction of this scapular, it should enter the hearts of My children of the Cross, and that they hail Me by these three greetings (The Crux Ave):
-I hail Thee, Jesus crucified, to let me live.
-I hail Thee with all the joy of the Angels and of the Saints on bringing Thee down from the Cross.
-I hail Thee with all the sorrow of Thy Mother when Thou rested on Her Immaculate heart and on Her lap.
«My children, very few souls think of wiping the adorable wounds on My feet when the blood flows and I wish this representation to be known. Little thought is also given to the tears shed by My Mother during My Passion: those tears are at the feet of the Angel who wipes My sacred feet. By this scapular, I wish you to think about that ladder, that reed and those nails of My Passion.
«My children, any soul, any person who will possess this scapular, will see his family protected, his house will also be protected, firstly from conflagrations, which will never penetrate it.
«This scapular will crush the ungrateful who will blaspheme My Name in the house where it will be exposed. If an impious enters, he will be so struck that his conversion will occur. All those who will wear it will be protected from thunder, sudden death and accidents. During the chastisements they will be protected.
Whoever places it in the Holy Temple, will drive out the impious and the profanations. Our Lord also adds that by reminding an obstinate soul about this scapular at the time of death, it will reawaken in it faith and conviction, that all those who will think about it and love it, will be spared the pains of the soul, that those who will wear it will be sheltered from all danger as if they possessed Heaven.
«And finally that this scapular will be like a lightning conductor beneath which the blows of just Divine Anger will not strike.»
Our Lord also says: — «Any priest will be able to bless this scapular. You, My victim, will be able to make the model… While wearing this scapular the ‘Crux Ave’ may be said 5 or 7 times and meditate for 1 to 3 minutes on My Passion… I will grant great graces to those who will wish to wear this holy Habit.»
HOWEVER- there were TWO ‘Crux Ave’ prayers revealed to her, so here are BOTH. It would be a good idea anyway to say both.
Crux Ave – Prayer 1
«O, Crux Ave! Spes unica! Et Verbum caro factum est!
O Jesus, vanquisher of death, save us!»
(Translation: O hail to the Cross! Our only hope! And the Word was made flesh.) The first part must be said in Latin as it was given in Latin.
Crux Ave – Prayer 2
I hail you, I adore you, I embrace you, oh adorable Cross of My Savior. Protect us, keep us, save us. Jesus loved you so much, by His example, I love you. By your holy image calm my fears, so that I may only feel peace and confidence.