What is the Scapular of St Michael the Archangel?
The Scapular of St Michael is an outward sign of entrusting oneself to St Michael Archangel and of belonging to the Michaelite family. The purpose of wearing it is a renewal of reverence towards St Michael the Archangel. Those who have received the scapular share in the spiritual goods of the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel.
What is the role of the Scapular?
- The Scapular is a sign of choosing St Michael the Archangel as a special defender against temptation and sin.
- The Scapular is a uniform of the angelic army. Just as a soldier, a policeman and a priest can be told by the dress, so too those belonging to the Confraternity of the Scapular can be recognized by this sign.
- The Scapular is the garment, and the role of the garment is to protect the body. The Scapular performs the same role in the spiritual life: defends from anything that might be an obstacle on the road to salvation, that is from sin, Satan and hell.
- Wearing the Scapular is a source of grace to help us bear the sacrifices and austerities that are required in the struggle with sin and in imitating Christ
Does the Church approve of the Scapular?
Yes, the first Scapular of St Michael was approved by Pope Leo XIII in the nineteenth century. Pope Benedict XVI in the «Letter to Michaelites» wrote that the motives of the receiving of the Scapular serve as a reminder to the wearer that s/he is experiencing an effective assistance of the mighty Defender, discovering in oneself the majesty, goodness and love of God, and to realize that there is no greater value, or any other equally great good outside of God – the Creator and Lord of all living things.