Prayer to St. Joseph
Hail Joseph
Hail Joseph, Son of David, Just and Virginal man,
Wisdom is with you;
Blessed are you among all men,
and blessed is Jesus, the fruit of Mary, your faithful spouse.
Holy Joseph, worthy Father and
Protector of Jesus Christ and of Holy Church,
pray for us sinners and obtain for us from God Divine Wisdom,
now and at the hour of our death.
“Spread this prayer to the whole world. Through this prayer God wishes my name to be more known and loved. He also wants to bestow a lot of graces through it upon those who will honor me by praying it. Those who will pray this prayer will be given many graces from Heaven. Through it, I will be often invoked by the whole world, and I will be able, by my loved and honorable heart, to grant a lot of graces to sinners who are in need of Divine help. It is important that this prayer be made known to everyone. May it reach everywhere, so all people can enjoy the goodness of God through it. This is His Most Holy Will that I am revealing to you right now”
There are six different ways to honor the Heart of St.Joseph:
- The image of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph.
- The Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, “I wish the first Wednesday after the Feast of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary be the Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.”
- THE CHAPLET OF THE SEVEN SORROWS AND SEVEN JOYS OF ST. JOSEPH: which now should be prayed with the prayer that St. Joseph gave during an Apparition, so that we are able to enjoy his intercession, begging his Most Holy and Mighty Name that makes all of hell tremble and disperses the demo ns, as Jesus revealed in an Apparition.
- The Scapular of St. Joseph : The Scapular is a sign of protection and devotion to the Heart of St. Joseph, who wants to lead us to God and to holiness, emphasizing his virtues of purity, obedience, silence and humility, and igniting the flame of faith and love for Jesus and for the Holy Virgin Mary. St. Joseph will protect those wearing the Scapular as his property and will bestow innumerable graces through his Chaste Heart upon those who will be tempted against purity, and will protect them against the attacks by the Devil and each evil spirit.
Especially young people should wear this Scapular, as they are most attacked by the Devil. Parents should recommend it to their children, since St. Joseph offers his help and protection, as he guided and protected Jesus on earth.
- The spreading of Devotion to the Heart of St. Joseph, associated with good deeds of charity in favor of the most needy, especially of the sick and dying, as St. Joseph requested in his promises.
- First Wednesdays should be remembered as days of special graces where St. Joseph pours out torrents of extraordinary graces upon all those who appeal to his intercession, honoring his Most Chaste Heart. Jesus himself promised that these faithful servants will enjoy great glory in Heaven which, on the other hand, will not be given to those who will not honor him as He asked.
“God be always Glorified, Worshipped and Loved”
Consecration Prayer to the Three Sacred Hearts
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary and Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate to you this day my mind +, my words +, my body +, my heart + and soul +, so that your will be done through me this day.
+Make the Sign of the Cross on the part of the body indicated.
(Where it says soul + one should make the sign of the Cross on the right shoulder)